
Make Caprese Salad for Under $3

I will never forget the first time I had Caprese Salad. My husband and I were on our honeymoon in Miami, FL. We were so excited to be in such a culturally diverse city (remember we are from “Middleofnowhere, USA”), and to try different and new things. We were driving around, looking for somewhere to eat and we saw a Portuguese restaurant. We knew Portugal was next to Spain, but that’s about it. As we walked into this upscale restaurant, we immediately felt out of place. We were wearing shorts and t-shirts, everyone else (dressed to the nines) was staring. We were seated anyway, and decided to enjoy our dinner. As we looked at the elaborate menu, we just decided to order whatever we thought was interesting. When the waitress served us Mozarella Com Tomate” (Portuguese version of Caprese salad) I was pleasantly surprised. It was unique, with a great flavor profile. I was immediately hooked. Every time I have had Caprese salad since, I am reminded of that awkward, yet enlightening experience trying Portuguese food for the first time (and of course the awkward stares).

The great thing about Caprese salad is that there are many variations of the dish. Some people prefer Balsamic vinegar, while others prefer Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I chose to change it up a little and drizzle some delicious Italian dressing on it.

Caprese salad is really easy to make. Simply slice the Mozzarella and tomatoes thinly, then layer (I usually put the tomato on the plate first).

Next drizzle with sauce of choice (EVVO, Balsamic vinegar, or Italian dressing). Sprinkle with garlic salt for extra flavor, and add either fresh or dried Basil.

Refrigerate for around 30 minutes, in order to bring out the flavor of the Basil, and other spices.

Caprese Salad 1

How I made Caprese Salad for under $3

Due to the ingredients used in this appetizer, Caprese salad can be expensive. I was able to keep cost down by finding fresh mozzarella at a discount grocery store for $2.57 per lb. This cheese was close to expiring, which is part of the reason the cost was so low. I also grow my own Basil because fresh Basil is fairly costly. If you love fresh Basil I recommend growing it yourself (it is super easy to grow and maintain). You can substitute fresh Basil for dried Basil if dried Basil is easier for you to obtain.

Below is an ingredient guide explaining how I was able to get each ingredient for a low price. If you are on a mobile device the ingredient guide is an image created by me, so feel free to save it as an image to your device. If you are on your computer I made a printable version that you can save to your computer or print to your printer.

Caprese Salad Printable Recipe Image

Caprese Salad Printable Recipe PDF

If you have any questions about the recipe, the ingredients, or the technique feel free to ask! I believe everyone should have great, quality food at great prices!

Have you ever been in an awkward situation because you were over or under dressed?

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