“It’s Only Money and it Grows on Trees!” Book Review and Perspective

When I first opened the book, “It’s Only Money and it Grows on Trees!” by Cara MacMillan, I was curious what the title actually meant.
I grew up hearing the phrase “money doesn’t grow on trees” when asking for the newest toy or gadget, but could I be wrong?
After reading the book I was able to gain a different perspective about money, what it really is, and different ways it can be obtained.
Overview of “It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees” from the publisher
It Is Only Money and It Grows on Trees!, by Cara MacMillan, is a narrative that explores how the concept of money differs throughout various world religions and cultures. It also looks at ways in which readers can increase their own wealth through consideration of these practices.
The story takes place in a classroom where a teacher named Catherine has written the word, Money, in large capital letters on the blackboard. She invites her students to help her define what money is. The students propose varying answers, and Catherine explains how each of these different definitions comes from our cultural, religious, family, and economic backgrounds.
It Is Only Money will inspire, challenge, and encourage you to ask: Why am I not rich? What do I need to learn? And how can I change my thoughts and actions?
“This is not a get rich quick book – it is a book about authenticity,” says MacMillan. “When we learn to break free of our patterns and choose to recognize that money is just a resource, we too can become rich and truly enjoy today.”
It Is Only Money and It Grows on Trees! was published by Halcyon Consulting Publication in October 2015. It is available for sale on Amazon.
My Personal Review
“It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees!” evoked thoughts and feelings concerning money that I wasn’t aware of. I was able to recognize my personal attitude towards money and relate it to how it affects my life. Although this book is written in an easy to understand format, the truth that lays behind the concepts mentioned in this book, really contain a lot of depth.
This book was very easy to read. This book takes place in a classroom of students in what appears to be an introductory course. The book outlines what is spoken about in this class, and how the students respond. Each chapter introduces a new concept that is kept short and simple.
Every new concept mentioned in this book is clearly defined in simple terms. I really appreciate this because money can be complicated. The author does a great job at breaking down complicated terms to their most simple form. These simple forms and concepts are so important because they become building blocks to our understanding of money.
Cara MacMillan does a great job at relating different principles concerning money to different cultures. She was able to combine perspectives cross culturally and relate them to almost everyone. She pointed out ancient truths about money and resources that are still relevant and important today.
You can tell that Cara MacMillan desires to empower the next generation. “It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees!”, not only conceptually helps millennials understand money, but encourages action. She wants to empower individuals to use their talents, whatever they may be, to thrive in any environment. You can tell she really wants to make a difference by helping others.
There was very little I didn’t enjoy about this book. Since I have studied personal finance for years some of the concepts and information mentioned in this book was a little redundant. It’s great for beginners, but some of the concepts may be repetitive for those seasoned in personal finance.
However, I did feel the way “It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees!” challenges everyone to examine their own beliefs towards money would be beneficial to anyone.
What I Learned Most From “It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees!”
Towards the beginning Cara MacMillan tells a story about two different people, that grew up during the great depression. I am not going to repeat the whole story (since you should really read it), but these two individuals interpreted money completely different. Their attitude towards money impacted their health, family, career, and quality of life.
This story really made me think about my husband’s close relative we will call Bob. Bob grew up during the Great Depression, and has a fearful attitude towards money and resources. When I first visited Bob’s home I was warned to not get into a situation where you eat any of his meat. Since Bob will never throw anything away, there are stories of the family trying to choke down meat that had been in the freezer over 10 years. By the time Bob needed to go into an assisted living facility, he had a lot of money, but never really enjoyed it. He now has too many medical issues to really enjoy the fruits of his labor. Since he spent his whole life in fear that he wouldn’t have enough, he never really got to live a full, happy life.
When I first got together with my husband he had a similar attitude towards money. I remember he was always terrified of wasting money, and would go to extreme lengths to preserve it. We even got in a huge argument because I bought myself a bag of skittles, and he felt I was wasting money. As I learned more about my husband, and his background I began to challenge his attitude towards money. Once he realized why he had such a fearful attitude towards money, he began to change. Now he is very balanced, and is able to be wise with money, while still enjoying life!
Money absolutely does not make you happy, neither does “stuff”. However, debt, and lack of money can make you miserable. This book really helped me reflect on my attitudes of money, and how it’s my attitude that is getting in the way of my success.
Final Thoughts
I really loved that the book compared economic and spiritual principals across all cultures and religions. I was able to gain different perspectives, and understand why I have specific attitudes towards money.
I also was able to reflect on my own thoughts and experiences. There are some areas that I need to work on, and this book encouraged me to challenge my own thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives.
If you really want a book that challenges your perspective on money, consider reading “It’s Only Money and It Grows on Trees!” It is very easy to read, and comes with a workbook that encourages further reflection.
About the Author
Cara MacMillan is a thought leader in sustainability and financial management. She has the privilege of teaching and learning with courageous individuals who are committed to making a difference for themselves, their world, and future generations. As a thought leader, Cara regularly publishes in the areas of personal finance and investments.
As an adjunct professor in the School of Business at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada, her vision is to empower people to think and act for themselves financially.
She also serves as a Climate Reality Leader in The Climate Reality Leadership Corps. This group is a global network of activists committed to taking on the climate crisis by providing training in climate science, communications, and organizing to tell the story of climate change and inspire communities everywhere to take action. The result is a dynamic group of world-changers shaping the conversation on climate in forums from family dinners to international summits and building a 21st-century movement for solutions.
Cara lives in Ottawa with her life partner and best friend, David, and their two children. She is currently working on her next book, Make Big Money and Make a Big Difference, for readers who want to learn how to invest in responsible companies and opportunities. It is due out later this year.
Readers can connect with Cara on Twitter, and Goodreads.
To learn more, go to http://caramacmillan.com/.